In this issue of Understanding the World we include two abstracts of articles recently posted on the blog Life in the Universe - one on the importance of the Septuagint for Biblical studies and one in Afrikaans on establishing a middle ground for belief. We also include links to interesting articles: on free speech and religious belief (a philosophical perspective), on recent archaeological finds in Shiloh (the ancient capital city of Israel) and a critique of Critical Biblical Scholarship that appeared in Biblical Archaeology.
The importance of the Septuagint in Biblical studies
Interest in the Septuagint has grown dramatically during the last few decades. The main reason for this is that Septuagint manuscripts, as well as Hebrew texts of the Bible which correspond with the Septuagint, were discovered among the Dead Sea Scrolls. Since this discovery the text of the Septuagint, which differs in important ways from the Masoretic (Hebrew) text which have traditionally been used for Bible translations, has gained credibility. Many Christians do not know that the authors of the New Testament typically use the Septuagint when quoting from the Old Testament or that the early Christian church used the Septuagint as Scripture. Both scholars and laymen interested in the Biblical text should take note of the importance of the Septuagint in Biblical studies. The Septuagint impacts not only on our understanding of particular verses, but also on our understanding of the Biblical text as a whole. (Key words: Dead Sea Scrolls, Masoretic text, Septuagint, textual studies.) To read the article click on The importance of the Septuagint in Biblical studies.
Middelgrond in die geloof - Dr Willie Mc Loud
"My volk gaan ten gronde weens gebrek aan kennis" - Hosea 4:6In hierdie skrywe praat ek oor die redes vir my deelname aan die kontemporêre godsdiensgesprek en wat ek uiteindelik daardeur wil bereik. Ek begin ook om my betoog vir 'n middelgrond in die geloof meer eksplisiet uit te spel. As die Christendom relevant wil bly, sal hulle die middelgrond moet betree. Verder skets ek my visie vir die toekoms. Om die artikel te lees klik op Middelgrond in die geloof
On free speech and religious belief (a philosophical perspective): The limits of free speech.
On Critical Biblical Scholarship: Alan Millard wrote a critique in Biblical Archaeology - Critical Biblical Scholarship - A Response
On archaeology: Archaeological discovery sheds light on the mystery of Shiloh
In the previous issue of Understanding the World: Paradigmas in konflik: Bybelwetenskap vs tradisionalisme
Abraham en sy God - koop 'n boek!!
Willie Mc Loud se nuwe boek getiteld Op soek na Abraham en sy God - 'n studie oor die historisiteit van die Genesis-verhale (Griffel, 2012) het onlangs verskyn. Die volledige inhoudsopgawe word vir die eerste maal hier gepos asook 'n uittreksel van 'n resensie wat in TEO verskyn het. Die stimulerende lekkerlees trant van die boek maak dit ideale leesstof vir 'n vakansie. Dit is 'n goeie geskenk vir familie en vriende wat in die betroubaarheid van die Bybel belangstel.(Sleutelwoorde: Abraham, Adam, antieke wêreldbeskouing, argeologie, Bybelse inspirasie, El-Elyon, El-Sjaddai, Enmerkar, Etana, Genesis, goderaad, Henog, Nimrod, Satan, Sumerië, taleverwarring, toring van Babel).
Om meer te lees klik op Abraham en sy God - koop 'n boek!!
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