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Tuesday, 16 April 2013

April 2013

Welcome to Understanding the World

In this issue we include abstracts of two articles, one devotional ("Die profeet") and one on the futuristic aspect of prophecy. The last is a reaction on the Biblical Criticism view that prophecy in the Bible does not in any real sense foresee the future. It also reflects on the credibility of the literary tradition in the Bible. Both was recently posted on the blog Life in the Universe. We also include various news articles.

Die profeet - Dr Willie Mc Loud

"En die profete-seuns wat in Jerigo was, het dit op 'n afstand gesien en gesê: Die Gees van Elia rus op Elisa!" (11 Kon. 2:15)
Daar is al verskeie artikels oor die Israelitiese profetiese tradisie en sekere spesifieke profesieë op hierdie blog gepos. Al hierdie artikels het 'n intellektuele inslag. Alhoewel hierdie artikel oor die profeet dus op die vorige artikels volg, verskil dit tog in die sin dat dit 'n geestelike artikel is. Dit is dan ook die eerste geestelike artikel wat op hierdie blog verskyn. Ek vertrou dat lesers dit van waarde sal vind. Klik hier om die artikel te lees: Die profeet.

Bible prophecy: predicting the distant future? - Dr Willie Mc Loud

In this essay the focus is on Biblical prophecy, even though I also discuss prophecy in the wider Middle Eastern context. Three important characteristics of the prophet are discussed, namely that he/she was an oracle of God, a preacher of ethics and a preserver of tradition. A close connection, going back millennia, existed between prophets (or court diviners) and the written tradition. But what does “prophet” mean (or meant)? This calls for an hermeneutic (interpretative) approach. Scholars should not force their own paradigmatic perspectives onto the text, but listen to the voices in the text. Both the voices of the individual prophets as well as that of the age-old prophetic tradition are of importance. Certain prophetic themes, like that about the messiah, can only be appreciated once the ancient Israelite manner of understanding their own prophecies is considered. This also throws light on the possibility of future fulfillment of prophecy. (Keywords: Biblical prophecy, eschatology, interpreting prophecy, messianic prophecies, OT prophecy fulfilled in Jesus, prophecy in ancient Mari, prophets and the literary tradition, the Hebrew prophet.)   To read the article click on: Bible prophecy: predicting the distant future?

In the news
Ancient Babylon today: Bringing Babylon back from the dead
On the age-old financial heart of London: City of London corporate elections 
The internet - a dangerous place: The dangerous new rules of cyber warfare

Previous issues of Understanding the World

Abraham en sy God - koop 'n boek!! 
Willie Mc Loud se nuwe boek getiteld Op soek na Abraham en sy God - 'n studie oor die historisiteit van die Genesis-verhale (Griffel, 2012) het onlangs verskyn. Die volledige inhoudsopgawe word vir die eerste maal hier gepos asook 'n uittreksel van 'n resensie wat in TEO verskyn het.  Die stimulerende lekkerlees trant van die boek maak dit ideale leesstof vir 'n vakansie. Dit is 'n goeie geskenk vir familie en vriende wat in die betroubaarheid van die Bybel belangstel.(Sleutelwoorde: Abraham, Adam, antieke wêreldbeskouing, argeologie, Bybelse inspirasie, El-Elyon, El-Sjaddai, Enmerkar, Etana, Genesis, goderaad, Henog, Nimrod, Satan, Sumerië, taleverwarring, toring van Babel).
Om meer te lees klik op Abraham en sy God - koop 'n boek!!

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