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Tuesday, 14 May 2013

May 2013

Welcome to Understanding the World

In this issue we include the abstract of an article on the various views about the final world empire that was recently posted on the blog Life in the Universe. We also include various news articles.
The rise of the final world empire: the different views - Willie Mc Loud
Most Christians believe that God inspired the Biblical prophets to speak about future events, some of which will only happen during the "end times" shortly before the second coming of Jesus Christ. If this is correct [1], some of the paradigmatic events mentioned in these prophecies could signal the onset of that period to those living at that time. In this article I focus on one such event which many Christians consider to be of utmost importance, namely the rise of the final world empire. Although Bible prophecies provide many details about this empire, there are various interpretations possible. Some place the relevant events in the past, others in the future: seeing the rise of various regional economic blocks around the world, the rise of militant Islam (following the Arab Spring) or the rise of the European Union as the precursor to this empire. But who is correct? (Key words: Daniel 7, Daniel: the ten horns, eschatology, final world empire: three views, ten horns, ten toes.) To read the article: The rise of the final world empire

In the news
Ancient quarries and the building of the temple: Jerusalem: ancient city quarries reveals city building rocks
For those interested in busmen-like paintings: Cave paintings in Argentina
Sudden genetic change in Europe in 4500 BC: the result of the Flood? Modern Europe's Genetic History Starts in Stone Age
The Syrian conflict: "The West can no longer wait reacting"

Previous issues of Understanding the World

Abraham en sy God - koop 'n boek!! 
Willie Mc Loud se nuwe boek getiteld Op soek na Abraham en sy God - 'n studie oor die historisiteit van die Genesis-verhale (Griffel, 2012) het onlangs verskyn. Die volledige inhoudsopgawe word vir die eerste maal hier gepos asook 'n uittreksel van 'n resensie wat in TEO verskyn het.  Die stimulerende lekkerlees trant van die boek maak dit ideale leesstof vir 'n vakansie. Dit is 'n goeie geskenk vir familie en vriende wat in die betroubaarheid van die Bybel belangstel.(Sleutelwoorde: Abraham, Adam, antieke wêreldbeskouing, argeologie, Bybelse inspirasie, El-Elyon, El-Sjaddai, Enmerkar, Etana, Genesis, goderaad, Henog, Nimrod, Satan, Sumerië, taleverwarring, toring van Babel).
Om meer te lees klik op Abraham en sy God - koop 'n boek!!

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Understanding the world is a monthly e-letter with abstracts of, and links to, informative articles on a variety of interrelated issues including origins, science, philosophy, faith, archaeology, international affairs (especially the Middle East and the European Union) and eschatology (study of the last events).

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  1. My gevoel is dat dit 'n bietjie te sekulatief van aard is om 'n verband te trek tussen die genetiese veranderinge in Sentraal Europa 4,500 v.C. en die Noagiese Vloed. AS die Vloed ook in daardie tyd plaasgevind het (wat ek dink so is) dan is dit te vêr as mens in ag neem die kort tydjie wat moes verloop het tussen vloed en aankoms in Sentraal Europa. As gevolg van 'n relatief yl bevolking dink ek ook nie daar kon vreeslike druk vir 'n volksverhuising gewees het nie, in teenstelling met volkereverhuisings na Christus.En dan dink ek nie hulle sou dit nodig gevind het nie - die landstreke waardeur hulle moes trek was net so vrugbaar, so wat sou die punt wees vir landbouers om oor vrugbare landbou grond te trek na ander vrugbare grond? Die navorsers erken self ook dat hulle geen antworode het nie, so dit bly maar net spekulasie.

    1. Ek dink nie dat dit noodwendig met die vloed verband hou nie. Dis maar net 'n oop vraag. Die rede waarom ek dit noem, is omdat daar by die Swart See (Varna) in daardie tyd tekens van 'n vloed is wat die baie gevorderde beskawing wat in daardie tyd daar bestaan het, uitgewis het. Ook in Mesopotamië is daar in daardie tyd tekens van 'n vloed toe die see die hele gebied oorstroom het. Dit is sigbaar in die breuk tussen die Ubaid en latere Uruk periodes in die argeologiese rekord. Ek bespreek dit in my boek oor Abraham en sy God.

  2. It is not my opinion that the sudden genetic change necessarily have any relation to the Biblical flood. There is, however, in that same time slot other evidence that also confirm a sudden end of civilization in Europe. For example the "oldest town" in Europe, near Provadia-Solnitsata (5500-4200 BC) in Bulgaria was abandoned at exactly that time ( This town was part of the larger Varna civilization which came to and end in 4200 BC when it was submerged by the Black Sea (in the museum at Varna they mention a rise in water level of 10m). This civilization is known for the earliest gold production ( I published some foto's of this in my recent book on Abraham and his God. At that same time there are evidence for a mighty tsunami at Burren More in Ireland in ~4000 BC ( And in ancient Mesopotamia this was the time (according to recent dating) when the Persian Gulf overflew the land, causing the break between the Ubaid and later Uruk cultures in the archaeological record. Sir Woolley found evidence for this at Ur, but similar evidence can be seen at various other cities in the area. I discuss this in more detail in my book. But the verdict is still out. Time will tell whether all this evidence are related.
